Golden Globes Gift Lounge

Golden Globes Gift Lounge
Eric Stonestreet at the Golden Globes Gift Lounge

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Supper

Spinach Lasagne

This one was reasonably good. I was lucky enough to visit the farmers markets during the week and used a roll of fresh pasta so I did not have to boil it. I also had some baby spinach so all I did was wash it and layer it over the sauce. There was also some leftover Swiss brown mushrooms I had to use up so they went in the pot too.I think it would be better with a couple more teaspoons of mixed herbs.

We usually have our Lasagne vegetarian. I like to make up a big pot of sauces with lots of eggplant, mushrooms, olives, a can of tomatoes, garlic, onions, mixed herbs, tomato paste and whatever else needs to be used up. I usually use the fresh pasta from the markets and layer it all up with mashed pumpkin, spinach and ricotta cheese in the middle. Copious amounts of Parmesan and Cheddar cheese usually find their way in as well as the bechemel sauce. Yum.

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